Stompy is one of our discoveries from October 2014. Stompy has pride of place in our museum and can be seen at special events. Stompy is a Woolly Rhinoceros Skull (Coelodonta antiquitatis). The skull of this Woolly Rhinoceros has made very big media due to the quality of preservation of the specimen, with soft tissue still preserved (Ear Drum).
This specimen is 250,000 years old and from the Pleistocene Epoch, During the middle of the Ice Age.
The Woolly Rhinoceras is ofter refered to as a "furry lawn mower" due to its eating habbit.
Find out about Talks on Stompy: Click Here

First Photo of Stompy after Discovery

Stompy being cleaned up

Palaeontologist Jamie Jordan Holding Stompy during media release

Diagram of anatomy

View of Natural damage to the skull. (left side of skull)

View of right side of the skull after preparation

Newly prepared skull being held by Palaeontologist Jamie Jordan

Fossils Galore is a Non-profit organisation, all the money made in Gift Shops and by Donations all goes back into the Museum to keep it running and towards projects like Stompy and other important finds to save them from being lost forever.
Fossils Galore received no government funding and relies entirely on visitors to the Educational Activity Centre and Donations by the public.
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