Fossils Galore In The Media


- Fossil Hunter Spots 450,000 year old Mammoth Tusk

- Mammoth discovery for Cambridgeshire Fossil Hunter.

Europe Breaking News

- Huge Jurassic fish found in clay quarry near Peterborough
- Fossil Kid’s got a prehistoric puzzle
- Fossil hunting at quarry
- Jamie’s fossil finds are now on display
- Activities galore for all the family
- Van Hage is set to put on fossil display
- Extension for Fossils Galore at Van Hage
- IN FOCUS: A treasured opportunity to learn
- Jamie's dig unearths a monster
- Dinosaur-crazy Jamie searching for the city's prehistoric past
- 'When I'm looking for fossils I just turn off'
- Waste not, want not in action at John Lewis
- COLLECTION: Rock star Jamie's 9 million fossils
- Palaeontologist comes face to face with extinct giant Buffalo
- Meet Crystal The Fossil Sniffing Beagle
- Ice Age Woolly Rhino Skull on Display at the Naze Centre
- Foot-long Mammoths tooth found in Cambridgeshire gravel pit
- Rare Mammoth Tusk found in Cambridgeshire quarry
- Plenty of prehistoric fun on hand at Fossils Galore Museum

- Star opening
- A rare woolly rhinoceros skull dating back to the ice age has been uncovered in Fenland
- Presentation time to Beavers
- complete-prehistoric-buffalo-skull-found-in-cambridgeshire-quarry
- Prehistoric Monsters Skeleton due to go on display
- Mammoth Tusk goes on display in March
- Mammoth discovery by March-based Palaeontologist