Giant Jurassic Fish


During 2012 a New Species of Giant Jurassic Fish was discovered in the depths of a clay pit in East Anglia. This speciemen is the most complete and largest of its kind and predates any before found specimen. It was found by accident during an excavation of a drainage ditch. Our Palaeontologist "Jamie Jordan" Saw a large bone sticking out from the bottom the the ditch while being excavated and this was the start of this fantastic discovery.

Jamie got a Team of volunteers together and began an excavation of 4 weeks. During the excavation many strange bones were found including parts of the filtration system also with soft tissue (Hairs) still preserved.

This specimen dates back 163 Million Years and from the upper Jurassic. This fish lived in a sub tropical sea with lots of other deadly animals.

Talks are available on the New Giant Jurassic Fish: Click Here


Excavation on the Fish


Volunteers working on the Excavation of the fish


Working in all weathers

All hands on deck after a very busy day discovering more bones from the Giant Fish


Discovery of important skull bone


Boxing slabs of bones ready for transport


Removing upper rock layers before the delicate work


Volunteer dig team all at work recording and excavating more Giant Fish bones


Photo of the bones in situ


Working on the bones in situe


The depth of where the fish was found


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